The Suit - Part 1
The modern suit is more than just an example of cotton or wool being put together to form an outfit. Just as metal and steel where to the suit of armor of old; cotton, and wool are to form the suit of a gentleman. The next few posts will be geared to explain what each part of the suit is to represent. Each part of the armor of a warrior represents something, and there is the same value that should be put in the modern day gentlemen's suit.
To start we will lead off with the Blazer. The Blazer is arguably the most important part of any suit. It is the focal point of many suits and sets the premise for the entire suit itself. The Blazer then is the character of the suit. It is the outward expression of character. Finely fitted to the individual and the standard by which the rest of the outfit set upon. It can be unique or ordinary, it can be colored or not, it can be so many things but what it must be is you. If your character doesn't represent you at your core, it isn't your character, equally, if your Blazer doesn't represent you in fit color and style, then it probably isn't yours and you should give it back to whomever it is.
The Blazer sets the tone as if it is your true character, work feverishly at both, for if either is lacking, both will be exposed.
A man is only a man when he holds true character.
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