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Do's and Don'ts of the 4th outfit

This is a time during the year where bad style choices are usually taken as comedic and ok'd by the majority. But it doesn't have to be that way. Below are what to do and what not to, to make your 4th of July one of style and standard, not just a reason for people to get a good laugh in.                                                 Don't: Go cheesy, if you see a suit and think it could be something a   rodeo clown would wear, you are headed down the wrong path.  DO: Simple, and clean, the colors are easy to mix and  do it with class - and shorts! Don't: Sequins, strapless, and ununiformed.  Three things that no dress should ever have. Do:  Simple color or even simple black and white - they get the idea, and you get to look classy. Don't: Meggings, or men leggings, ever. Per...

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